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Gaetano Donizetti
A tanto amor
Adina, credemi
Ah, un foco insolito
Amici miei che allegro giorno
Ardon gl’incensi (Mad Scene)
Bella siccome un angelo
Ciascun lo dice
Come Paride vezzoso porse il pomo
Com’ è gentil
Cruda, funesta smania
Dalle stanze, ove Lucia
Daughter of the Regiment Overture - BASS PART(S)
Daughter of the Regiment Overture - BASSOON PART(S)
Daughter of the Regiment Overture - CELLO PART(S)
Daughter of the Regiment Overture - CLARINET PART(S)
Daughter of the Regiment Overture - FLUTE/PICCOLO PART(S)
Daughter of the Regiment Overture - FULL SCORE
Daughter of the Regiment Overture - HORN PART(S)
Daughter of the Regiment Overture - LOW BRASS PART(S)
Daughter of the Regiment Overture - OBOE/ENGLISH HORN PART(S)
Daughter of the Regiment Overture - TIMPANI/PERCUSSION PART(S)
Daughter of the Regiment Overture - TRUMPET/CORNET PART(S)
Daughter of the Regiment Overture - VIOLA PART(S)
Daughter of the Regiment Overture - VIOLIN PART(S)
Deh! Non voler costringere
Della crudel Isotta
Don Pasquale Overture - BASS PART(S)
Don Pasquale Overture - BASSOON PART(S)
Don Pasquale Overture - CELLO PART(S)
Don Pasquale Overture - CLARINET PART(S)
Don Pasquale Overture - FLUTE/PICCOLO PART(S)
Don Pasquale Overture - FULL SCORE
Don Pasquale Overture - HORN PART(S)
Don Pasquale Overture - LOW BRASS PART(S)
Don Pasquale Overture - OBOE/ENGLISH HORN PART(S)
Don Pasquale Overture - TIMPANI/PERCUSSION PART(S)
Don Pasquale Overture - TRUMPET/CORNET PART(S)
Don Pasquale Overture - VIOLA PART(S)
Don Pasquale Overture - VIOLIN PART(S)
Fra poco a me ricovero
Il faut partir
Il segreto per esser felici
O Lisbona, alfin ti miro
O luce di quest’ anima
O, mio Fernando
Pour me rapprocher de Marie
Prendi, per me sei libero
Quanto è bella
Regnava nel silenzio/Quando rapito in estasi
So anch’io la virtù magica
Spirto gentil
Udite/Benefattor degl'uomini/Cosi chiaro
Una furtiva lagrima