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(Showing 70 results)
Modest Mussorgsky
Ein Kinderscherz (Early version)
Ein Kinderscherz (Later version)
From Memories of Childhood
From The Fair at Sorochintsy
Impromptu passioné (Early version)
Impromptu passioné (Later version)
In the Village
Intermezzo in Modo Classico (Early version)
Intermezzo in Modo Classico (Later version)
Khivria’s Song and Hopak
Khovantchina Overture - BASS PART(S)
Khovantchina Overture - BASSOON PART(S)
Khovantchina Overture - CELLO PART(S)
Khovantchina Overture - CLARINET PART(S)
Khovantchina Overture - FLUTE/PICCOLO PART(S)
Khovantchina Overture - HARP PART(S)
Khovantchina Overture - HORN PART(S)
Khovantchina Overture - OBOE/ENGLISH HORN PART(S)
Khovantchina Overture - TIMPANI/PERCUSSION PART(S)
Khovantchina Overture - VIOLA PART(S)
Khovantchina Overture - VIOLIN PART(S)
Khovantchina Prelude, Dawn on the Moscow River - FULL SCORE
La capricieuse
Marina’s Aria
Monologue (I have attained power)
Near the Southern Shore of the Crimea
Night on Bald Mountain (version by Rimski-Korsakoff) - BASS PART(S)
Night on Bald Mountain (version by Rimski-Korsakoff) - BASSOON PART(S)
Night on Bald Mountain (version by Rimski-Korsakoff) - CELLO PART(S)
Night on Bald Mountain (version by Rimski-Korsakoff) - CLARINET PART(S)
Night on Bald Mountain (version by Rimski-Korsakoff) - FLUTE/PICCOLO PART(S)
Night on Bald Mountain (version by Rimski-Korsakoff) - HARP PART(S)
Night on Bald Mountain (version by Rimski-Korsakoff) - HORN PART(S)
Night on Bald Mountain (version by Rimski-Korsakoff) - LOW BRASS PART(S)
Night on Bald Mountain (version by Rimski-Korsakoff) - OBOE/ENGLISH HORN PART(S)
Night on Bald Mountain (version by Rimski-Korsakoff) - TIMPANI/PERCUSSION PART(S)
Night on Bald Mountain (version by Rimski-Korsakoff) - TRUMPET/CORNET PART(S)
Night on Bald Mountain (version by Rimski-Korsakoff) - VIOLA PART(S)
Night on Bald Mountain (version by Rimski-Korsakoff) - VIOLIN PART(S)
Night on Bald Mountain - FULL SCORE
On the Southern Shore of the Crimea
Once a gnat was cutting wood
Pictures at an Exhibition
Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Tushmalov) - BASS PART(S)
Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Tushmalov) - BASSOON PART(S)
Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Tushmalov) - CELLO PART(S)
Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Tushmalov) - CLARINET PART(S)
Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Tushmalov) - FLUTE/PICCOLO PART(S)
Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Tushmalov) - HARP PART(S)
Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Tushmalov) - HORN PART(S)
Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Tushmalov) - KEYBOARD PART(S)
Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Tushmalov) - LOW BRASS PART(S)
Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Tushmalov) - OBOE/ENGLISH HORN PART(S)
Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Tushmalov) - TIMPANI/PERCUSSION PART(S)
Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Tushmalov) - TRUMPET/CORNET PART(S)
Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Tushmalov) - VIOLA PART(S)
Pictures at an Exhibition (orch. Tushmalov) - VIOLIN PART(S)
Pictures at an Exhibition (Tushmalov) - FULL SCORE
Pimen’s Tale
Rêverie (Duma)
Scherzo in C# Minor (Early version)
Scherzo in C# Minor (Later version)
Sonata in C Major (Piano, Four Hands)
Souvenir d'Enfance
The Seamstress (Scherzino)
Une larme
Varlaam’s Song