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Title: St. Matthew Passion (English), BWV 244, Part I

Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach


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File Size: 8.13MB

File Description: Contents:
1. Come, ye daughters
2. When Jesus had finished
3. O blessed Jesu
4. Then assembled the chief priests
5. Not upon the feast
6. Now when Jesus
7. To what purpose is this waste?
8. When Jesus understood it
9. My Master and my Lord
10. Grief for sin
11. Then went out one of the twelve
12. Break in grief
13. Now the first day
14. Where wilt thou?
15. And He said: Go ye into the city
16. Tis I, whose sin
17. And He answered, and said
18. Although our eyes with tears o'erflow
19. Jesus, Saviour
20. And when they had sung
21. Receive me, my Redeemer
22. Peter answered, and said unto Him
23. Here would I stand
24. Then cometh Jesus with them
25. O grief! That bows
26. I would beside my Lord
27. And He went a little farther
28. The Saviour low before His Father bending
29. Gladly would I take
30. And He cometh to His disciples
31. O Father, let Thy will be done
32. And He came and found
33. Behold, my Saviour now is taken
34. And behold, one of them
35. O man, thy grievous sin bemoan

Brought to you by: CD Sheet Music
This file also available on: Bach: Major Choral Works


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  3. The file will be named with the composer's last name and all or part of the title (depending on the length of the title.) You may rename the file after download if you wish.