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Title: Deborah, Part 1

Composer: George Frideric Handel


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File Size: 9.04MB

File Description: Contents:
1. Overture
2. Immortal Lord of earth and skies
3. O Barak, favour'd of the skies
4. Where do thy ardours raise me
5. Forbear thy doubts, to arms away
6. Since heav'n has thus His will express'd
7. For ever to the voice of prayer
8. By that adorable decree
9. O hear thy lowly servants' pray'r
10. Ye sons of Israel, cease your tears
11. O blast with thy tremendous brow
12. To whomso'er his fate the tyrant owes
13. How lovely is the blooming fair
14. O Deborah! Where'er I turn my eyes
15. Choirs of angels all around thee
16. My transports are too great to tell
17. To joy he brightens my despair
18. Barak, my son, the joyful sound
19. Awake the ardour of thy breast
20. I go where heav'n and duty call
21. All danger disdaining, for battle I glow
22. Let thy deeds be glorious
23. My charge is to declare
24. Despair all around them
25. Allelujah

Brought to you by: CD Sheet Music
This file also available on: Handel: Major Choral Works (2-CD Set)


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  3. The file will be named with the composer's last name and all or part of the title (depending on the length of the title.) You may rename the file after download if you wish.