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Title: Theodora, Act III
Composer: George Frideric Handel
More info about this file
File Description: Contents:
55. Lord, to Thee
56. But see, the good, the virtuous Didimus
57. When sunk in anguish and despair
58. Blest be the hand
59. Undaunted in the court
60. Ah, Theodora
61. Whither princess do you fly?
62. She's gone!
63. New scenes of joy crowding on
64. Is it a Christian virtue
65. From virtue springs each gen'rous deed
66. Cease, ye slaves
67. Tis kind, my friends
68. How strange their ends
69. On me your frowns
70. And must such beauty suffer?
71. Streams of pleasure ever flowing
72. Ere this their doom is past
73. Oh love divine
This file also available on: Handel: Major Choral Works (2-CD Set)
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How to download & save this file
- Click the download button above
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- Choose "Save File" in the dialog box that appears. If you aren't given the choice of where to save the file, the file will download to the folder where your other downloads normally go.
- Note the location where you saved the file.
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- Choose "Save" in the dialog box that appears.
- Note the location where you saved the file.
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- Choose "Save File" in the dialog box that appears. If you aren't given the choice of where to save the file, the file will download to the folder where your other downloads normally go.
- Note the location where you saved the file.
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- The file will download to the folder where your other downloads normally go (usually the desktop). Note: If you aren't sure where this is or would like to change how files are downloaded, edit your preferences by going to the Safari Menu, selecting "Preferences" and then to General Tab where you can edit the download behavior for Safari.
- Chrome:
- The file will be named with the composer's last name and all or part of the title (depending on the length of the title.) You may rename the file after download if you wish.