Franz Abt |
| The Sabbath [High, Low] |
Adolphe Adam |
| Christmas Song (Oh, Holy Night) [High, Low] |
| Christmas Song [High, Low] |
Johann Sebastian Bach |
| Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid (Cantata No. 58) [S, B] |
| Ach Herr, mein Gott, vergib mir's doch (Cantata No. 113) [S, A] |
| Ach! Wann wird die Zeit erschienen (Weihnachts Oratorium in German) [S, A, T] |
| Ach, wir bekennen unsre Schuld (Cantata No. 116) [S, T, B] |
| Ah! when shall we see salvation? (Christmas Oratorio in English) [S, A, T] |
| Alles, was von Gott geboren (Cantata No. 80) [S, B] |
| Barmherziges Herze der ewigen Liebe (Cantata No. 185) [S, T] |
| Beruft Gott selbst, so muss der Segen (Cantata No. 88) [S, A] |
| Christe eleison (Mass in B Minor) [S I/II] |
| Den Tod niemand zwingen kunnt (Cantata No. 4) [S, A] |
| Der ewig reiche Gott (Cantata No. 192) [S, B] |
| Der Herr segne euch je mehr und mehr, euch und eure Kinder (Cantata No. 196) [T, B] |
| Dich hab ich je und je geliebet (Cantata No. 49) [S. B] |
| Die Armut, so Gott auf sich nimmt (Cantata No. 91) [S, A] |
| Domine Deus (Mass in B Minor) [SI, T] |
| Domine Deus (Mass in G Major) [S, A] |
| Du bereitest für mir einen Tisch (Cantata No. 112) [S, T] |
| Du musst glauben, du musst hoffen (Cantata No. 155) [A, T] |
| Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn (Cantata No. 23) [S, A] |
| Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe (Cantata No. 110) [S, T] |
| Ein unbegreiflich Licht erfüllt den ganzen Kreis der Erden (Cantata No. 125) [T, B] |
| Entziehe dich eilends, mein Herze, der Welt (Cantata No. 124) [S, A] |
| Er denket der Barmherzigkeit (Cantata No. 10) [A, T] |
| Er kennt die rechten Freudesstunden (Cantata No. 93) [S, A] |
| Et in unum Dominum (Mass in B Minor) [SI, A] |
| Gedenk an Jesu bittern Tod! (Cantata No. 101) [S, A] |
| Gesegnete Christen, glückselige Herde (Cantata No. 184) [S, A] |
| Gloria Patri et Filio et Spiritui sancto (Cantata No. 191) [S, T] |
| Gott hat uns im heurigen Jahre gesegnet (Cantata No. 28) [A, T] |
| Gott, ach Gott, verlass die Deinen Nimmermehr! (Cantata No. 79) [S, B] |
| Gott, der du die Liebe heißt (Cantata No. 33) [T, B] |
| Gott, du hast es wohl gefüget (Cantata No. 63) [S, B] |
| Gottes Wort, das trüget nicht (Cantata No. 167) [S, A] |
| Hat er es denn beschlossen (Cantata No. 97) [S, B] |
| Herr Gott Vater, mein starker Held! (Cantata No. 37) [S, A] |
| Herr, dein Mitlied (Weihnachts Oratorium in German) [S, B] |
| Herr, du siehst statt guter Werke (Cantata No. 9) [S, A] |
| Herz, zerreiß des Mammons Kette (Cantata No. 168) [S, A] |
| Händen, die sich nicht verschließen (Cantata No. 164) [S, B] |
| Ich bin nun achtzig Jahr (Cantata No. 71) [S, T] |
| Ich folge dir nach (Cantata No. 159) [S, A] |
| Ich fürchte {zwar, nicht} des Grabes Finsternissen (Cantata No. 66) [A, T] |
| Ich hab für mir ein schwere Reis (Cantata No. 58) [S, B] |
| Ich jauchze, ich lache, ich jauchze mit Schall (Cantata No. 15) [S, A] |
| Ich lebe, mein Herze, zu deinem Ergötzen (Cantata No. 145) [S, T] |
| Ich steh mit einem Fuß im Grabe (Cantata No. 156) [S, T] |
| Immanuel, belovèd name (Christmas Oratorio in English) [S, B] |
| Immanuel, o süsses Wort (Weihnachts Oratorium in German) [S, B] |
| Immortal Love [High, High] |
| In meinem Gott bin ich erfreut! (Cantata No. 162) [A, T] |
| Ist Gott versöhnt und unser Freund (Cantata No. 122) [S, A, T] |
| Jesu, meine Freud (Weihnachts Oratorium in German) [S, B] |
| Jesus soll mein alles sein (Cantata No. 190) [T, B] |
| Kann wohl ein Mensch zu Gott im Himmel steigen? (Cantata No. 194) [S, B] |
| Komm, mein Jesu (Cantata No. 21) [S, B] |
| Laß, Seele, kein Leiden (Cantata No. 186) [S, A] |
| Lobe den Herren, der künstlich und fein dich bereitet (Cantata No. 137) [S, B] |
| Lord, Thy mercy (Christmas Oratorio in English) [S, B] |
| Mein Freund ist mein (Cantata No. 140) [S, B] |
| Mein Jesu, mein Port (Cantata No. 15) [S, A, T, B] |
| Mein Letztes Lager will mich schrekken (Cantata No. 60) [A, T] |
| Meine Seele wartet auf den Herrn (Cantata No. 131) [A, T] |
| Nim mich mir (Cantata No. 163) [S, A] |
| Now Christ Is Risen [High, Low] |
| Now come let us hasten (Easter Oratorio in English) [T, B] |
| Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (Cantata No. 36) [S, A] |
| Nun verschwinden alle Plagen (Cantata No. 32) [S, B] |
| O Menschenkind (Cantata No. 20) [A, T] |
| Ruft und fleht den Himmel an (Cantata No. 63) [A, T] |
| Seid wachsam, ihr heiligen Wächter (Cantata No. 149) [A, T] |
| Sein Allmacht zu ergründen (Cantata No. 128) [A, T] |
| Sie werden euch in den Bann tun (Cantata No. 44) [T, B] |
| So feiern wir das hohe Fest (Cantata No. 4) [S, T] |
| So geh ich mit beherzten Schritten (Cantata No. 111) [A, T] |
| So hat Gott die Welt geliebt (Cantata No. 173) [S, B] |
| Suscepit Israel (Magnificat in D Major) [S I/II, A] |
| Tis well! Thy name, O Lord (Christmas Oratorio in English) [S, B] |
| Uns treffen zwar der Sünden Flecken (Cantata No. 136) [T, B] |
| Verzage nicht, o Häuflein klein (Cantata No. 42) [S, T] |
| Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Cantata No. 100) [A, T] |
| Weichet, Furcht und Schrekken (Cantata No. 15) [S, A] |
| Welt, ade, ich bin dein müde (Cantata No. 158) [S, B] |
| Wenn des Kreuzes Bitterkeiten (Cantata No. 99) [S, A] |
| Wenn kömmst du, mein Heil? (Cantata No. 140) [S, B] |
| Wenn meine Trübsal als mit Ketten (Cantata No. 38) [S, A, B] |
| Wenn Sorgen auf mich dringen (Cantata No. 3) [S, A] |
| Wer mich liebet, der wird mein Wort halten (Cantata No. 59) [S, B] |
| Wie selig sind doch die, die Gott im Munde tragen (Cantata No. 80) [A, T] |
| Wie soll ich dich, Liebster der Seelen, umfassen? (Cantata No. 152) [S, B] |
| Wie will ich mich freuen (Cantata No. 146) [T, B] |
| Wir danken und preisen dein brünstiges Lieben (Cantata No. 134) [A, T] |
| Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten (Cantata No. 78) [S, A] |
| Wohl mir, Jesus ist gefunden (Cantata No. 154) [A, T] |
| Zedern müssen von den Winden (Cantata No. 150) [A, T, B] |
J. C. Bartlett |
| The Day Is Ended [S, A] |
Ludwig van Beethoven |
| In meinen Adern wühlen gerechter Zorn |
| Verkündet, Seraph; So ruhe den mit ganzer Schwere |
Vincenzo Bellini |
| A te o cara |
William Sterndale Bennett |
| Cast Thy Bread Upon The Waters [High, Low] |
| Let Thy Mind [High, Low] |
Hector Berlioz |
| Scene 5 (Duet) (Childhood of Christ (L'Enfance du Christ)) [S,B] |
Arrigo Boito |
| Give Thanks Unto God [High, High] |
Anton Bruckner |
| Te ergo quaesumus (Te Deum) [S,A,T,B] |
Dudley Buck |
| The Lord Is My Light [Low, Low] |
King Charles I |
| Upon A Quiet Conscience [High, Low] |
Luigi Cherubini |
| Et in carnatus est (Mass in C) [S I/II,A] |
| Et in spiritum sanctum (Mass in C) [S,A,T,B] |
| O Salutaris (Mass in C) [S,T] |
Peter Cornelius |
| The Christ Child [High, High] |
| The Christ Child [Medium, Low] |
| The Christmas Tree [High, Low] |
| The Kings [Medium, Low] |
| The Shepherds [High, High] |
Antonin Dvořák |
| By The Waters Of Babylon [Medium, Low] |
| Duo (Stabat Mater) [S, T] |
| Hear My Prayer [High, High] |
| I Will Sing New Songs Of Gladness [High, Low] |
| Quartet (Stabat Mater) [S, A, T, B] |
| Recordare, Jesu pie (Requiem Mass) [S, A, T, B] |
| The Lord Is My Shepherd [High, High] |
Edward Elgar |
| All Hail, My child and brother, Hail! (The Dream of Gerontius) [S, T] |
| At the Beautiful gate (The Kingdom (Jerusalem)) [S, A] |
| I hear the voices that I left on earth (The Dream of Gerontius) [S, T] |
Jean-Baptiste Fauré |
| Crucifix [High, Low] |
| Crucifix [S, A] |
David Ferdinand |
| Unto The Hills [High, Low] |
Myles B. Foster |
| Eye Hath Not Seen, Nor Ear Heard [High, Low] |
| If Ye Then Be Risen With Christ [High, Low] |
| Is It Nothing To You? [High, Low] |
| The Night Is Far Spent [High, Low] |
| There Were Shepherds [High, Low] |
| Why Seek Ye The Living Among The Dead [High, Low] |
Robert Franz |
| Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled [High, High] |
| Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled [Medium, Low] |
Francesco Gasparini |
| Lasciar d’amarti per non penar |
Alfred Gaul |
| They shall hunger no more (The Holy City) [S, A] |
Christoph Willibald Gluck |
| Divinité des grandes âmes |
| Thanks Be To God [High, Low] |
Benjamin Godard |
| O Thou, Who Madest The Heavens [High, High] |
| O Thou, Who Madest The Heavens [High, Low] |
Charles Gounod |
| Forever With The Lord [High, Low] |
| Forever With The Lord [S, A] |
| Glory To Thee, My God, This Night [High, Low] |
| O, Divine Redeemer [High, Low] |
| O, Divine Redeemer [High, Low] |
| The King Of Love My Shepherd Is [Medium, Low] |
| There Is Mercy With Thee (Out of Darkness (Psalm 130)) [S, A, T, B] |
| Until The Day Breaks [High, Low] |
Jules Granier |
| Hosanna! [High, Low] |
Edvard Grieg |
| Dieb und Hehler (Peer Gynt) [B I/II] |
| Szene mit den Säterinnen (Peer Gynt) [S I/II/III] |
Carl Götze |
| Jesus, Thou Joy Of Loving Hearts [High, Low] |
George Frideric Handel |
| All that is in Hamor mine (Jephtha) [S, M-S, A, T, B] |
| Along the monster atheist strode (Saul) [A, T, B] |
| As great Jehovah lives (Saul) [B, T] |
| At persecution I can laugh (Saul) [S, A] |
| Awake Thout That Sleepest [Medium, Low] |
| Be ye sure that the Lord he is God (Chandos Anthem No. 1) [S, B] |
| Be ye sure that the Lord He is God (Utrecht Jubilate) [A, B] |
| Come To The Waters [High, Low] |
| Come, Let Us Make A Joyful Noise [High, Low] |
| Ev'ry joy that wisdom knows (Solomon) [S, A] |
| For the Lord is gracious (Chandos Anthem No. 1) [S, T] |
| For the Lord is gracious (Utrecht Jubilate) [A, T, B] |
| Freely I to heav'n resign (Jephtha) [S, A] |
| From this dread scene (Judas Maccabaeus) [S, A] |
| Go, baffled coward, go (Samson) [A, B] |
| Hail, lovely virgin (Joshua) [S, A] |
| Lead Me, Lord [High, Low] |
| O death, where is thy sting? (Messiah) [A, T] |
| O fairest of ten thousand fair (Saul) [S, A] |
| O liberty, thou choicest treasure; Come ever-smiling liberty (Judas Maccabaeus) [S, A] |
| O Lovely Peace [High, Low] |
| O lovely peace (Judas Maccabaeus) [S, A] |
| O spare your daughter (Jephtha) [M-S, A, T, B] |
| O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (Chandos Anthem No. 4a) [T, B] |
| O worship, worship the Lord (Chandos Anthem No. 4) [S< T] |
| O worship, worship the Lord (Chandos Anthem No. 5b) [A, B] |
| Our limpid streams (Joshua) [S, A] |
| Powerful Guardian [High, High] |
| Powerful Guardian [High, Low] |
| Powerful Guardian [Medium, Low] |
| Sing Unto The Lord [High, High] |
| Sing With Grace In Your Heart [Medium, Low] |
| Smiling freedom, lovely guest (Deborah) [S, A] |
| The Lord is a man of war (Israel In Egypt) [B I/II] |
| The Lord is my strength (Israel In Egypt) [S I/II] |
| The merciful goodness of the Lord (Chandos Anthem No. 12) [A, B] |
| The people will tell of their wisdom (Foundling Hospital Anthem) [S I/II] |
| There Upon A Manger Bed [High, Low] |
| These labours past (Jephtha) [S, A] |
| Thou rulest the raging of the sea (Chandos Anthem No. 7) [S, T, B] |
| Thou sittest at the right hand of God (Dettingen Te Deum) [A, T, B] |
| Thou, in Thy mercy (Israel In Egypt) [A, T] |
| To thee, to thee (Theodora) [S, A] |
| Traitor to love (Samson) [S, T] |
| Wash me throughly from my wickedness (Chandos Anthem No. 3) [S, T] |
| Where do thy ardours raise me (Deborah) [S, A] |
| Whither princess do you fly? (Theodora) [S, M-S] |
| Who calls my parting soul (Esther) [S, T] |
| Why so full of grief, O my soul? (Chandos Anthem No. 6a) [S, T] |
| Why so full of grief, O my soul? (Chandos Anthem No. 6b) [S, A] |
| Why so full of grief, O my soul? (Chandos Anthem No. 6c) [S, A] |
| Why so full of grief, O my soul? (Chandos Anthem No. 6d) [T I/II] |
| Words are weak to paint my fears (Solomon) [S, M-S, A] |
F. Flaxington Harker |
| How Beautiful Upon The Mountains [High, Low] |
Franz Joseph Haydn |
| How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place [High, High] |
| On Thee Each Living Soul Awaits [High, High] |
E. S. Hosmer |
| Be Glad, O Ye Righteous [T, B] |
Edward Howe |
| In The Cross Of Christ We Glory [S, B] |
Bruno Huhn |
| Be Thou Exalted [Low, Low] |
Ferdinand Hummel |
| Alleluia! [High, Low] |
| Alleluia! [Medium, Low] |
Franz Lachner |
| My Faith Looks Up To Thee [High, Low] |
| My Faith Looks Up To Thee [S, A] |
Abram Winne Lansing |
| Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah [S, B] |
Franz Liszt |
| Benedictus (Missa Solemnis (Graner Mass)) [S, A, T, B] |
Jean Baptiste Lully |
| Great Peace Have They [Medium, Low] |
Benedetto Marcello |
| Come, Thou Almighty King [High, Low] |
| Love Divine [Medium, Low] |
Felix Mendelssohn |
| Denn in seiner Hand ist (Psalm 95 (Der 95. Psalm), Op. 46) [S I/II] |
| Der Herr hat des Tages verheissen (Psalm 42, Op. 42) [S, T I/II, B I/II] |
| Drum sing' ich mit meinem Leide (Lobgesang (Hymn of Praise), Op. 52) [S, T] |
| For He shall give His angels (Elijah, Op. 70) [S I/II, A I/II, T I/II, B I/II] |
| For so hath the Lord (Saint Paul (Schubring, after The Acts of the Apostles), Op. 36) [T, B] |
| How Beautiful On The Mountains [High, Low] |
| I Waited For The Lord [S, M-S] |
| In hac mensa novi Regis (Lauda Sion, Op. 73) [S, A, T, B] |
| In His hands (Come, Let Us Sing (Psalm 95), Op. 46) [S I/II] |
| Lift Thine Eyes [High, Low] |
| Lift thine eyes (Elijah, Op. 70) [S I/II, A] |
| Man of God (Elijah, Op. 70) [T, B] |
| My song shall be always Thy mercy (Hymn of Praise (Lobgesang), Op. 52) [S, T] |
| Night falleth round me (Elijah, Op. 70) [S, B] |
| Now we are ambassadors (Saint Paul (Schubring, after The Acts of the Apostles), Op. 36) [T, B] |
| O come, every one that thirsteth (Elijah, Op. 70) [S, A, T, B] |
| The King Of Love My Shepherd Is [High, High] |
| The Sabbath Morn [High, Low] |
| The Secret Place [Medium, Low] |
| Thy Secret Place [High, High] |
| Thy Will Be Done [Low, Low] |
| What have I to do with thee (Elijah, Op. 70) [S, B] |
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart |
| Benedictus qui venit (Mass in C Minor, K. 427/417a) [S, A, T, B] |
| Benedictus qui venit (Mass in F, K. 192) [S, A, T, B] |
| Domine (Mass in C Minor, K. 427/417a) [S I/II] |
| Et incarnatus est (Mass in C Major (Missa Brevis), K. 258) [S, A, T, B] |
| Jesus Savior (Ave Verum) [High, Low] |
| Quoniam (Mass in C Minor, K. 427/417a) [S I/II,T] |
| Recordare (Requiem in D Minor, K. 626) [S, A, T, B] |
| Tuba mirum (Requiem in D Minor, K. 626) [S, A, T, B] |
| Wait On The Lord [Medium, Low] |
George B. Nevin |
| God Will Make All Things Right [High, Low] |
| Jesus, Word Of God Incarnate [S, A] |
| My Faith Looks Up To Thee [M-S, B] |
| The Vesper Hour [Low, Low] |
Otto Nicolai |
| Tarry With Me [S, T] |
Giovanni Pergolesi |
| Amen (Stabat Mater) [S, A] |
| Facut ardeat cor meum (Stabat Mater) [S, A] |
| Inflammatus et accensus (Stabat Mater) [S, A] |
| O quam tristes (Stabat Mater) [S, A] |
| Quando corpus morietur (Stabat Mater) [S, A] |
| Quis est homo, qui non fleret (Stabat Mater) [S, A] |
| Sancta mater (Stabat Mater) [S, A] |
| Stabat mater dolorosa (Stabat Mater) [S, A] |
Ciro Pinsuti |
| Life Is Passing Away [High, Low] |
| There Is A Reaper [High, Low] |
Henry Purcell |
| Blow Ye The Trumpet [High, High] |
Jean-Philippe Rameau |
| Hear Us, O Savior [High, Low] |
Gioacchino Rossini |
| Gratias (Petite Messe Solennelle) [A, T, B] |
| Quando corpus (Stabat Mater) [S, A, T, B] |
| Qui tollis (Petite Messe Solennelle) [S, A] |
| Quis est homo (Stabat Mater) [S I/II] |
| Sancta Mater, Istud agas (Stabat Mater) [S, A, T, B] |
Anton Rubinstein |
| Bow Down Thine Ear [Medium, Low] |
| Comfort Ye My People [High, Low] |
| The Angel [High, Low] |
Camille Saint-Saëns |
| Alleluia, Ye heav'ns sing praises (Christmas Oratorio) [S I/II,A,B] |
| Benedictus (Christmas Oratorio) [S,B] |
| Come, Blessed Savior [High, Low] |
| More Love To Thee, O Christ [High, Low] |
| My soul doth magnify (Christmas Oratorio) [S,T,B] |
| There were shepherds at night (Christmas Oratorio) [S,A,T,B] |
P. A. Schnecker |
| Jesus, The Very Thought Of Thee [S, A] |
Franz Schubert |
| Benedictus qui venit (Mass No. 1 in F Major (Messe F-dur)) [SI,SII,TI,TII] |
| Benedictus qui venit (Mass No. 2 in G Major) [S,T,B] |
| Benedictus qui venit (Mass No. 3 in B-Flat Major) [S,A,T,B] |
| Engel freuten sich der Wonne (Stabat Mater) [S,T,B] |
| Erdenfreuden und ihr Elend (Stabat Mater) [S,T,B] |
| Et incarnatus est (Mass No. 3 in B-Flat Major) [S,A,T,B] |
| Et incarnatus est (Mass No. 6 in E-Flat Major) [S,TI,TII] |
| The Good Shepherd [Medium, Low] |
| The Grand Alleluia [Medium, Low] |
Robert Schumann |
| Ach! Wie ungern brachten wir ihn her! (Requiem for Mignon) [S,A] |
| Der hehre Engel (Paradise and Peri (Das Paradies und die Peri)) [A,T] |
| Du herrschtest noch eben (Neujahrslied) [S,A] |
| Es fällt ein Tropfen (Paradise and Peri (Das Paradies und die Peri)) [S,T,Ch] |
| Fort streift von hier das Kind (Paradise and Peri (Das Paradies und die Peri)) [A,T] |
| Hinab zu jenem Sonnentempel! (Paradise and Peri (Das Paradies und die Peri)) [S I/II,T,B] |
| Im Waldesgrün am stillen See (Paradise and Peri (Das Paradies und die Peri)) [A,T] |
| O lass mich von der Luft (Paradise and Peri (Das Paradies und die Peri)) [S,T] |
| So sann sie nach (Paradise and Peri (Das Paradies und die Peri)) [S,A,T,B] |
| Und wie sie niederwärts (Paradise and Peri (Das Paradies und die Peri)) [S I/II,A I/II,T,B] |
| Verlassener Jüngling (Paradise and Peri (Das Paradies und die Peri)) [S,T I/II] |
Heinrich Schutz |
| Der Engel zu den Hirten (Christmas Oratorio) [S,T] |
| Der Engel zu Joseph (Christmas Oratorio) [S,T] |
| Der Engel zu Joseph (Christmas Oratorio) [S,T] |
| Herodes (Christmas Oratorio) [T,B] |
Harry Rowe Shelley |
| Christian, The Morn Breaks Away Sweetly O'er Thee [High, Low] |
| Hark! Hark, My Soul! [High, Low] |
| The King Of Love My Shepherd Is [High, Low] |
Henry Smart |
| Evening [High, Low] |
| Faint Not, Fear Not, God Is Near Thee [High, Low] |
| The Lord Is My Shepherd [High, Low] |
| The Lord Is My Shepherd [S, A] |
| The Sabbath Bell [High, Low] |
| There Was Joy In Heaven [High, Low] |
| Vox Matutina [High, Low] |
| When Brighter Suns And Milder Skies [High, Low] |
| Where The Weary Are At Rest [High, Low] |
John Stainer |
| God So Loved The World [High, High] |
| God So Loved The World [High, Low] |
| Love Divine [S, T] |
| My Hope Is In The Everlasting [Medium, Low] |
| So Thou Liftest (The Crucifixion) [T,B] |
Arthur Sullivan |
| The Lord Is Risen [High, High] |
Ambroise Thomas |
| Adieu, Mignon! |
R. Topliff |
| Consider The Lillies [High, Low] |
Giuseppe Verdi |
| Domine Jesu (Requiem) [S I/II,T,B] |
| Lux aeterna (Requiem) [S,T,B] |
| Quid sum, miser (Requiem) [S I/II,T] |
| Recordare (Requiem) [S I/II] |
Antonio Vivaldi |
| Laudamus Te (Gloria) [S I/II] |
Richard Wagner |
| Das Liebesverbot, Act I, Part 1 |
| Das Liebesverbot, Act I, Part 2 |
| Das Liebesverbot, Act I, Part 3 |
| Das Liebesverbot, Act I, Part 4 |
| Das Liebesverbot, Act I, Part 5 |
| Das Liebesverbot, Act I, Part 6 |
| Das Liebesverbot, Act II, Part 1 |
| Das Liebesverbot, Act II, Part 2 |
| Das Liebesverbot, Act II, Part 3 |
| Das Liebesverbot, Act II, Part 4 |
| Nur eine Waffe taugt |
Alfred Whitehead |
| Watch Thou, Dear Lord [S, T] |
Alfred Wooler |
| Something For Thee [S, T] |