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George Frideric Handel

Acis and Galatea, Act I
Acis and Galatea, Act II
Ah! wretched, wretched Israel! from Judas Maccabaeus
Alexander’s Feast, Part 1
Alexander’s Feast, Part 2
All that is in Hamor mine (Jephtha) [S, M-S, A, T, B]
Along the monster atheist strode (Saul) [A, T, B]
An infant rais'd from Saul
Angels ever bright and fair from Theodora
Arm, arm, ye brave! from Judas Maccabaeus
As great Jehovah lives (Saul) [B, T]
As with rosy steps from Theodora
At persecution I can laugh (Saul) [S, A]
Awake the ardour of thy breast from Deborah
Awake Thout That Sleepest [Medium, Low]
Awful, Pleasing Being
Awful, Pleasing Being from Joshua
Be ye sure that the Lord he is God (Chandos Anthem No. 1) [S, B]
Be ye sure that the Lord He is God (Utrecht Jubilate) [A, B]
Behold, and see if there be any sorrow from Messiah
Bellissima Romilda/Di tacere
Beneath The Cypress' Gloomy Shade from Susanna
Blessed is the people, O Lord from Chandos Anthem No. 7
Bourrée in G Major
But God, who hears the suff'ring por'r from Chandos Anthem No. 2
But oh! What art can teach from Ode on St. Cecelia's Day
But thou didst not leave His soul in hell from Messiah
But who may abide the day of his coming? from Messiah
Cara sposa, amante cara
Cessa omai di sospirare!
Chandos Anthem No. 1, O be joyful in the Lord
Chandos Anthem No. 10, The Lord is my light
Chandos Anthem No. 11a, Let God arise
Chandos Anthem No. 11b, Let God arise
Chandos Anthem No. 12, O praise the Lord, ye angels of his
Chandos Anthem No. 2, In the Lord put I my trust
Chandos Anthem No. 3, Have mercy upon me, O God
Chandos Anthem No. 4, O sing unto the Lord a new song
Chandos Anthem No. 4a, O sing unto the Lord a new song
Chandos Anthem No. 5a, I will magnify thee, O God
Chandos Anthem No. 5b, I will magnify thee, O God
Chandos Anthem No. 6a, As pants the hart for cooling streams
Chandos Anthem No. 6b, As pants the hart for cooling streams
Chandos Anthem No. 6c, As pants the hart for cooling streams
Chandos Anthem No. 6d, As pants the hart for cooling streams
Chandos Anthem No. 7, My song shall be alway
Chandos Anthem No. 8, O come let us sing unto the Lord
Chandos Anthem No. 9, O praise the Lord with one consent
Che sento?/Se pietà
Choirs of angels all around thee from Deborah
Col raggio placido
Come To The Waters [High, Low]
Come Unto Him
Come Unto Him from Messiah
Come, Let Us Make A Joyful Noise [High, Low]
Comfort Ye, My People/Ev'ry Valley
Concerto in A Major, (No. “14")
Concerto in A Major, Op. 7, No. 2
Concerto in B Flat Major, Op. 4, No. 2
Concerto in B Flat Major, Op. 4, No. 6
Concerto in B Flat Major, Op. 7, No. 1
Concerto in B Flat Major, Op. 7, No. 3
Concerto in B Flat Major, Op. 7, No. 6
Concerto in D Minor, (No. “15")
Concerto in D Minor, Op. 7, No. 4
Concerto in F Major, (No. “13"), The Cuckoo and the Nightingale
Concerto in F Major, (No. “16")
Concerto in F Major, Op. 4, No. 4
Concerto in F Major, Op. 4, No. 5
Concerto in G Minor, Op. 4, No. 3
Concerto in G Minor, Op. 7, No. 5
Concerto in G Minor/G Major, Op. 4, No. 1
Coronation Anthem No. 1, Zadok the priest
Coronation Anthem No. 2, The King shall rejoice
Coronation Anthem No. 3, My heart is inditing
Coronation Anthem No. 4, Let thy hand be strengthened
Da tempeste il legno
Deborah, Part 1
Deborah, Part 2
Deborah, Part 3
Deeds of kindness to display from Theodora
Defend her Heaven from Theodora
Descend, kind pity from Theodora
Dettingen Anthem, The King shall rejoice in thy strength, O Lord!
Dettingen Te Deum
Dread not, righteous Queen from Esther
E pur cosi/Piangerò
Esser qui/Venere bella
Esther, Part 1
Esther, Part 2
Esther, Part 3
Ev'ry day will I give thanks unto thee from Chandos Anthem No. 5a
Ev'ry joy that wisdom knows (Solomon) [S, A]
Farewell, ye limpid springs from Jephtha
Father of Heav'n from Judas Maccabaeus
Fell rage and black despair from Saul
For the Lord is gracious (Chandos Anthem No. 1) [S, T]
For the Lord is gracious (Utrecht Jubilate) [A, T, B]
For this our truest int'rst from Chandos Anthem No. 9
Foundling Hospital Anthem, Blessed are they that consider the poor
Freedom now once more possessing from Jephtha
Freely I to heav'n resign (Jephtha) [S, A]
From Celestial Seats Descending
From Celestial Seats Descending
From this dread scene (Judas Maccabaeus) [S, A]
From virtue springs each gen'rous deed from Theodora
Gentle Airs, Melodious Strains
Gentle Airs, Melodious Strains
Giga in D Minor
Go, assert thy heav'nly race from The Choice of Hercules
Go, baffled coward, go (Samson) [A, B]
God is very greatly to be feared from Chandos Anthem No. 7
God's tender mercy knows no bounds from Chandos Anthem No. 9
Golden columns, fair and bright from Solomon
Hail, lovely virgin (Joshua) [S, A]
He shall feed his flock like a shepherd from Messiah
He was despised from Messiah
Hercules, The Choice of, Part 1
Hercules, The Choice of, Part 2
Heroes, When With Glory Burning from Joshua
Heroes, When With Glory Burning from Joshua
His Sceptre Is The Rod of Righteousness
His Sceptre Is The Rod of Righteousness from The Occasional Oratorio
Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty
Honor and Arms Scorn Such a Foe
Honor and Arms Scorn Such a Foe from Samson
How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them from Messiah
How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them from Messiah
How sweetly smiling peace descends from Deborah
How vain is man from Judas Maccabaeus
I know that my Redeemer liveth from Messiah
If God be for us, who can be against us? from Messiah
Impious mortal, cease to brave us from Deborah
Impious wretch from Saul
In Battle, Fame Pursuing from Deborah
In Battle, Fame Pursuing from Deborah
In Jehovah's awful sight from Deborah
Israel in Egypt - BASS PART(S)
Israel in Egypt - BASSOON PART(S)
Israel in Egypt - CELLO PART(S)
Israel in Egypt - FLUTE/PICCOLO PART(S)
Israel in Egypt - FULL SCORE
Israel in Egypt - KEYBOARD PART(S)
Israel in Egypt - LOW BRASS PART(S)
Israel in Egypt - TRUMPET/CORNET PART(S)
Israel in Egypt - VIOLA PART(S)
Israel in Egypt - VIOLIN PART(S)
Israel In Egypt, Part 1
Israel In Egypt, Part 2-1
Israel In Egypt, Part 2-2
Jehovah! To My Words Give Ear
Jehovah! To My Words Give Ear
Jephtha, Part 1
Jephtha, Part 2
Jephtha, Part 3
Joshua, Part 1
Joshua, Part 2
Joshua, Part 3
Judas Maccabaeus - BASS PART(S)
Judas Maccabaeus - BASSOON PART(S)
Judas Maccabaeus - CELLO PART(S)
Judas Maccabaeus - FLUTE/PICCOLO PART(S)
Judas Maccabaeus - FULL SCORE
Judas Maccabaeus - HORN PART(S)
Judas Maccabaeus - KEYBOARD PART(S)
Judas Maccabaeus - OBOE/ENGLISH HORN PART(S)
Judas Maccabaeus - TRUMPET/CORNET PART(S)
Judas Maccabaeus - VIOLA PART(S)
Judas Maccabaeus - VIOLIN PART(S)
Judas Maccabaeus, Part 1
Judas Maccabaeus, Part 2
Judas Maccabaeus, Part 3
Julius Caesar - BASS PART(S)
Julius Caesar - BASSOON PART(S)
Julius Caesar - CELLO PART(S)
Julius Caesar - FULL SCORE
Julius Caesar - HARP PART(S)
Julius Caesar - HORN PART(S)
Julius Caesar - VIOLA PART(S)
Julius Caesar - VIOLIN PART(S)
Julius Caesar – KEYBOARD PART(S)
Largo from Xerxes
Lascia ch’io pianga
Lead Me, Lord [High, Low]
Let The Bright Seraphim from Samson
Let the righteous be glad from Chandos Anthem No. 11a
Lord Remember Me In My Trouble
Lord Remember Me In My Trouble
Lord To Thee Each Night And Day
Lord To Thee Each Night And Day from Theodora
Lord, to Thee from Theodora
Make me a clean heart from Chandos Anthem No. 3
Messiah (Mozart version) - BASS PART(S)
Messiah (Mozart version) - BASSOON PART(S)
Messiah (Mozart version) - CELLO PART(S)
Messiah (Mozart version) - CLARINET PART(S)
Messiah (Mozart version) - FLUTE/PICCOLO PART(S)
Messiah (Mozart version) - FULL SCORE
Messiah (Mozart version) - HORN PART(S)
Messiah (Mozart version) - KEYBOARD PART(S)
Messiah (Mozart version) - LOW BRASS PART(S)
Messiah (Mozart version) - OBOE/ENGLISH HORN PART(S)
Messiah (Mozart version) - TIMPANI/PERCUSSION PART(S)
Messiah (Mozart version) - TRUMPET/CORNET PART(S)
Messiah (Mozart version) - VIOLA PART(S)
Messiah (Mozart version) - VIOLIN PART(S)
Messiah (Prout version) - BASS PART(S)
Messiah (Prout version) - BASSOON PART(S)
Messiah (Prout version) - CELLO PART(S)
Messiah (Prout version) - CLARINET PART(S)
Messiah (Prout version) - FLUTE/PICCOLO PART(S)
Messiah (Prout version) - FULL SCORE
Messiah (Prout version) - HORN PART(S)
Messiah (Prout version) - KEYBOARD PART(S)
Messiah (Prout version) - LOW BRASS PART(S)
Messiah (Prout version) - OBOE/ENGLISH HORN PART(S)
Messiah (Prout version) - TIMPANI/PERCUSSION PART(S)
Messiah (Prout version) - TRUMPET/CORNET PART(S)
Messiah (Prout version) - VIOLA PART(S)
Messiah (Prout version) - VIOLIN PART(S)
Messiah, Part 1
Messiah, Part 2
Messiah, Part 3
Minuet in F Major
Music for the Royal Fireworks - BASS PART(S)
Music for the Royal Fireworks - BASSOON PART(S)
Music for the Royal Fireworks - CELLO PART(S)
Music for the Royal Fireworks - FULL SCORE
Music for the Royal Fireworks - HORN PART(S)
Music for the Royal Fireworks - KEYBOARD PART(S)
Music for the Royal Fireworks - OBOE/ENGLISH HORN PART(S)
Music for the Royal Fireworks - TIMPANI/PERCUSSION PART(S)
Music for the Royal Fireworks - TRUMPET/CORNET PART(S)
Music for the Royal Fireworks - VIOLA PART(S)
Music for the Royal Fireworks - VIOLIN PART(S)
My Father, Ah! from Hercules
My Father, Look Upon My Anguish
My Father, Look Upon My Anguish from The Passion
No, no, let the guilty tremble from Saul
Non disperar
Non ha più che temere
O come let us worship and fall down from Chandos Anthem No. 8
O death, where is thy sting? (Messiah) [A, T]
O fairest of ten thousand fair (Saul) [S, A]
O Jordan, sacred tide; Ye sons of Israel, mourn from Esther
O king, your favours from Saul
O liberty, thou choicest treasure; Come ever-smiling liberty (Judas Maccabaeus) [S, A]
O Lord, Whom We Adore
O Lord, Whom We Adore from Athalia
O Lord, whose mercies from Saul
O Lovely Peace [High, Low]
O lovely peace (Judas Maccabaeus) [S, A]
O ruddier than the cherry
O spare your daughter (Jephtha) [M-S, A, T, B]
O the pleasure my soul is possessing from Deborah
O Thou That Tellest Good Things To Zion from Messiah
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (Chandos Anthem No. 4a) [T, B]
O worship, worship the Lord (Chandos Anthem No. 4) [S< T]
O worship, worship the Lord (Chandos Anthem No. 5b) [A, B]
Ode on St. Cecelia’s Day
Oh Lord, Whose Mercies Numberless from Saul
Oh Lord, Whose Mercies Numberless from Saul
Oh that I on wings could rise from Theodora
Oh! Had I Jubal's lyre from Joshua
Oh! Who can tell? from Joshua
Ombra mai fu
One thing have I desired of the Lord from Chandos Anthem No. 10
Our limpid streams (Joshua) [S, A]
Passacaglia in G Minor
Pena tiranna
Per rendermi beato
Piangero la sorte mia
Pious Orgies, Pious Airs from Judas Maccabaeus
Pious Orgies, Pious Airs from Judas Maccabaeus
Più che penso
Pour forth no more unheeded pray'rs from Jephtha
Powerful Guardian [High, High]
Powerful Guardian [High, Low]
Powerful Guardian [Medium, Low]
Praise him, all ye from Chandos Anthem No. 9
Praise the Lord from Esther
Praise ye the Lord for all his mercies past from Solomon
Prelude in B Flat Major
Priva son d’ogni
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! from Messiah
Return, Return O God from Samson
Return, Return O God from Samson
Righteousness and equity are the habitation of thy seat from Chandos Anthem No. 5b
Sacred raptures cheer my breast from Solomon
Samson, Part 1
Samson, Part 2
Samson, Part 3
Saria lievo/Il core spera
Saul, Overture - BASS PART(S)
Saul, Overture - BASSOON PART(S)
Saul, Overture - CELLO PART(S)
Saul, Overture - CLARINET PART(S)
Saul, Overture - FLUTE/PICCOLO PART(S)
Saul, Overture - FULL SCORE
Saul, Overture - HORN PART(S)
Saul, Overture - VIOLA PART(S)
Saul, Overture - VIOLIN PART(S)
Saul, Part 1
Saul, Part 2
Saul, Part 3
Se bramate d’amar
Semele, Act I
Semele, Act II
Semele, Act III
Sing songs of praise from Esther
Sing Unto The Lord [High, High]
Sing unto the Lord and praise his name from Chandos Anthem No. 4a
Sing With Grace In Your Heart [Medium, Low]
Smiling freedom, lovely guest (Deborah) [S, A]
So shall the lute and harp awake from Judas Maccabaeus
Solomon, Part 1
Solomon, Part 2
Solomon, Part 3
Sonata in A Major
Sonata in A Major
Sonata in A Major, Op.1, No. 3, HWV 361 - Movement 1
Sonata in A Major, Op.1, No. 3, HWV 361 - Movement 2
Sonata in A Major, Op.1, No. 3, HWV 361 - Movement 3
Sonata in A Major, Op.1, No. 3, HWV 361 - Movement 4
Sonata in C Major
Sonata in D Major
Sonata in D Major
Sonata in E Major
Sonata in F Major
Sonata in G Minor
Sonata No. 1 in A Minor for Flute & Continuo
Sonata No. 1 in E Minor
Sonata No. 1 in E Minor - Movements 1&2
Sonata No. 1 in E Minor - Movements 3&4
Sonata No. 1 in G Minor
Sonata No. 2 in D Minor
Sonata No. 2 in E Minor for Flute & Continuo
Sonata No. 2 in E Minor, 1st movement, Adagio
Sonata No. 2 in E Minor, 2nd movement, Allegro
Sonata No. 2 in E Minor, 3rd Movement, Grave
Sonata No. 2 in E Minor, 4th movement, Minuet
Sonata No. 2 in G Minor
Sonata No. 2 in G Minor - Movements 1&2
Sonata No. 2 in G Minor - Movements 3&4
Sonata No. 3 in B Flat Major
Sonata No. 3 in B Minor for Flute & Continuo
Sonata No. 3 in G Major
Sonata No. 4 in C Major
Sonata No. 5 in F Major
Sonata No. 5 in F Major - Movements 1&2
Sonata No. 5 in F Major - Movements 3&4
Sonata No. 6 in B Minor
Sonata No. 7 in A Minor
Sonatina in B Flat Major
Sound An Alarm!
Streams of pleasure ever flowing from Theodora
Subtle Love from Alexander Balus
Tears, assist me from Esther
Tears, Such As Tender Fathers Shed
Tears, Such As Tender Fathers Shed from Deborah
That God is great from Chandos Anthem No. 9
The Holy One of Israel from Samson
The Lord is a man of war (Israel In Egypt) [B I/II]
The Lord is my light from Chandos Anthem No. 10
The Lord is my strength (Israel In Egypt) [S I/II]
The Lord is my strength and my shield from Chandos Anthem No. 10
The Lord is righteous in all his ways from Chandos Anthem No. 5a
The Lord preserveth all them that love him from Chandos Anthem No. 5a
The Lord preserveth the souls of the saints from Chandos Anthem No. 8
The merciful goodness of the Lord (Chandos Anthem No. 12) [A, B]
The People That Walked In Darkness
The people will tell of their wisdom (Foundling Hospital Anthem) [S I/II]
The raptur'd soul from Theodora
The righteous Lord will righteous deeds from Chandos Anthem No. 2
The Smiling Hours
The Smiling Hours from Hercules
The Soft Complaining Flute
The Soft Complaining Flute from Ode on St. Cecelia's Day
The Trumpet Shall Sound
The waves of the sea rage horribly from Chandos Anthem No. 4
Their land brought forth frogs from Israel In Egypt
Theodora, Act I
Theodora, Act II
Theodora, Act III
There Upon A Manger Bed [High, Low]
These labours past (Jephtha) [S, A]
Thou art gone up on high from Messiah
Thou art the King of glory from Dettingen Te Deum
Thou didst blow from Israel In Egypt
Thou rulest the raging of the sea (Chandos Anthem No. 7) [S, T, B]
Thou Shalt Break Them
Thou Shalt Bring Them In from Israel In Egypt
Thou sittest at the right hand of God (Dettingen Te Deum) [A, T, B]
Thou, in Thy mercy (Israel In Egypt) [A, T]
Tis heav'n's all-ruling power from Jephtha
To joy he brightens my despair from Deborah
To thee, to thee (Theodora) [S, A]
Total Eclipse!
Traitor to love (Samson) [S, T]
Tune the soft melodious lute from Jephtha
Tune your harps from Esther
Tutto può donna vezzosa
Utrecht Jubilate
Utrecht Te Deum, Übersicht
Vegli pure/Tu la mia stella sei
Verdi prati, selve amene
Virtue my soul shall still embrace from Jephtha
Vouchsafe, O Lord from Dettingen Te Deum
V’adoro, pupille
Waft Her, Angels Thro' The Skies
Wash me throughly from my wickedness (Chandos Anthem No. 3) [S, T]
Water Music - BASS PART(S)
Water Music - BASSOON PART(S)
Water Music - CELLO PART(S)
Water Music - FULL SCORE
Water Music - HORN PART(S)
Water Music - KEYBOARD PART(S)
Water Music - VIOLA PART(S)
Water Music - VIOLIN PART(S)
Wedding Anthem No. 1, This is the day which the Lord has made
Wedding Anthem No. 2, Sing unto God, ye kingdoms of the earth
What though I trace each herb and flow'r from Solomon
When First I Saw My Lovely Maid from Susanna
When Thou tookest upon thee from Dettingen Te Deum
Where do thy ardours raise me (Deborah) [S, A]
Whither princess do you fly? (Theodora) [S, M-S]
Who calls my parting soul (Esther) [S, T]
Why do the nations so furiously rage together?
Why Does The God Of Israel Sleep?
Why so full of grief, O my soul? (Chandos Anthem No. 6a) [S, T]
Why so full of grief, O my soul? (Chandos Anthem No. 6b) [S, A]
Why so full of grief, O my soul? (Chandos Anthem No. 6c) [S, A]
Why so full of grief, O my soul? (Chandos Anthem No. 6d) [T I/II]
Words are weak to paint my fears (Solomon) [S, M-S, A]
Xerxes - BASS PART(S)
Xerxes - CELLO PART(S)
Xerxes - HORN PART(S)
Xerxes - VIOLA PART(S)
Ye Verdant Hills
Ye Verdant Hills